Man Bursts Artery Picking His Nose, Signs You Need To Give Up Your Disgusting Habit
Well, that wasn’t expected was it? Imagine doing something you do everyday and end up needing medical treatment over it. And this thing you do everyday happens to be a very disgusting habit. A habit like…picking your nose. That just happened to a man in China. Apparently the man loved to pick his nose and did it frequently every day until this happened. He ruptured an artery and needed to have surgery to fix it. His wife filmed his entire hospital stay and posted it online for the world to see.
This had us thinking. What is your disgusting habit and what was your sign you needed to stop? We asked this question of our listeners. If you want to listen to the segment, you can HERE.
We also asked the question on our Facebook page and here are some of the more outrageous answers:
Jenny Lynn: “I chipped my front tooth biting my nails. My worst nightmare. (It’s fixed now).”
Victah Cruz: “When you finally start to see all those boogers that you flick, on the wall, the carpets…….. the baby’s head.”
Ronald Michael Tetelboym: “I have to stop changing my accent based on who I’m talking to because somehow subconsciously I start speaking to someone in their accent lmao.”
Kevin Mauricio messaged us with this one: “I had a friend of mine we’re at the end of the day when he took his socks off he would smell them and he used to do this everyday for years and he did it so much that he actually got an affection in his lungs due to breathing in the smell of his socks.”
We’d love to hear your responses to this. You can message us on the Getup Crew Facebook page. We’re always listening and responding.