Most Unconventional Way You Met Your Partner, Can You Beat Getting Shot?
They say true love really exists. I know some people really believe that. Some people don’t believe it. But after hearing this story that came in from one of our listeners this week, it will be very hard to deny that true love really does exist.
So we started talking about the most random and unconventional ways you met your partner. Here are some of the responses we received:
Ashley Boucher says she and her partner’s exes died five days apart.
Lisa Daggett “Playing Rock Band on Xbox way back in 2010 (we’re divorced now, should have paid attention to the foreshadowing that he was addicted to video games lol)”
Alethea Favreau “Met over a CB radio when we were 10. Talked over that and the phone for a while and never met in person. Was going thru a divorce 20 years later and decided to look him up on fb to see what he looked like haha. The rest is history”
But nothing prepared us for the phone call we were about to get from Keisha. Keisha said she met her current partner when he approached her on the street. Moments later, someone pulled up and started shooting at them. He shielded her so she couldn’t get hit but ultimately, he ended up getting shot several times. He was admitted into the hospital where they told him he would never walk again. Keisha visited him several times while he was recovering. There is a lot more to the story and a twist that you won’t expect. You can check out the call as it came in live on our video below:
So next time if you’re questioning if true love really does exist, just remember Keisha’s story. Because if that story doesn’t help you believe in love, I don’t know what will.