Want To Lose A Few Pounds? These Are The 5 Healthiest Diets For 2025. Looking to lose a few pounds this year? Is your New Year’s resolution to drop a few LBs? Maybe you should take a look at one of the five diets below and see if it fits your lifestyle.
We all know that fad diets come and go each year. For many of us, they may work temporarily, but we end up putting the weight back on only to have to try another fad diet. Some of those diets aren’t the most healthy. They put our health at risk and while they may work quickly, they’re not the best for long term success and could actually make you very sick.
“U.S. News & World Report” is back with their annual list of the most healthy fad diets. According to the publication, the best diets are “nutritionally complete and include carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.” They also mention how the best diets are the most sustainable for a longer period of time. Taking these and other characteristics into account, these are the 5 diets they are recommending for 2025.